Today, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge (ALL IN) announced that Ben Sell has been recognized as part of the 2024 ALL IN Student Voting Honor Roll. The ALL IN Student Voting Honor Roll awards college students doing outstanding work to advance nonpartisan democratic engagement at participating campuses Ben Sell joins a group of 137 students recognized for their voter registration, education and turnout efforts during the 2023 elections, which featured critical ballot measures and local and state races.
“Civic engagement is the foundation of an inclusive and just society. By imparting knowledge and fostering dialogue, institutions of higher learning play a vital role in nurturing this philosophy. Knowing we have Ben, and students like him, who are taking the guidance we have provided and empowering our young people to use their voices to make a profound impact on the nation's future is outstanding. I congratulate Ben on this honor and thank him for representing the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign," remarked Chancellor Robert J. Jones.
“Whether it’s a presidential election year or one with critical state and local races on the ballot, students have a powerful role to play in fostering active and engaged campuses and getting their peers to participate in our democracy. Ahead of the 2024 presidential election, the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge is honored to celebrate 137 student leaders who model nonpartisan democratic engagement,” said Jennifer Domagal-Goldman, Executive Director of the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge. “These honorees hosted candidate information sessions, created guides on polling location accessibility, registered their peers to vote and so much more. We know these students will continue to make a difference in our democracy.”
Studies show that voting and democratic participation are habits that are built and strengthened over time. A recent survey from CIRCLE showed that 86% of under-35 youth who voted in 2022 and 72% of those who voted in 2020 consider themselves extremely likely to vote in 2024. Colleges and universities have an important role to play in encouraging their students to become active and engaged citizens at the ballot box and beyond.
The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge empowers colleges and universities to achieve excellence in nonpartisan student democratic engagement. With the support of the ALL IN staff, campuses that join the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge complete a set of action items to institutionalize nonpartisan civic learning, political engagement and voter participation on their campus. The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge engages more than 1,000 institutions enrolling over 10 million students in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Campuses can join ALL IN here.
ABOUT Ben Sell:
Ben Sell, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Class of 2024 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Political Science major, with minors in Classical Civilization, Urbana and Regional Planning, and James Scholar Program is one of 137 college students recognized for their nonpartisan democratic engagement work during the 2023 election cycle.
ABOUT ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge:
ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge (ALL IN) empowers colleges and universities to achieve excellence in nonpartisan student democratic engagement. Through an intentionally-designed program that provides structure, support, and recognition, ALL IN works to improve civic learning, political engagement, and voter participation on more than 1,000 campuses nationwide. ALL IN believes higher education should play a role in developing an active and informed citizenry by educating students, motivating them to engage in American democracy, and instilling the value of lifelong participation. ALL IN is an initiative of Civic Nation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Learn more here.
ABOUT Civic Nation:
Civic Nation is a nonprofit ecosystem for high-impact organizing and education initiatives working to build a more inclusive and equitable America. Civic Nation shifts culture, systems, and policy by bringing together individuals, grassroots organizers, industry leaders and influencers to tackle some of our nation’s most pressing social challenges. Civic Nation is home to seven national initiatives and campaigns: ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, Change Collective, It’s On Us, Online for All, SAVE On Student Debt, We The Action and When We All Vote. Learn more here.