Advancement & Alumni Engagement
The Office of Student Affairs Advancement works with our donors, alumni, and friends to secure critical, sustainable funding to the programs and services that provide our students an extraordinary Illinois Experience.
We cultivate, steward, and sustain life-long engagement through relevant and meaningful relationships with and among the students, alumni, and friends in the Student Affairs at Illinois Family.
We facilitate inter-generational connectivity between students and alumni, connecting the past with the present, and the future, in support of student success, perseverance, and community impact through time, talent, and advocacy.
We also work with Student Affairs Advisory Council members, Campus Advancement Colleagues, and the University of Illinois Foundation to identify opportunities for our Student Affairs constituents to make an impact in the lives of our students in a way that fulfills their donor interests, passions, and intent.
If you are looking for ways to help students who experience unexpected hardships during this time, please learn more about our giving opportunities.
Allowing Students to Reach Their Highest Potentials
Students at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign enjoy a University that celebrates diversity, serves their health and wellness needs, and allows them to reach their highest potentials, both academically and personally. 450,000+ Illini graduates have been shaped by their time at our University and many say they are who they are because of it. Student Affairs is making sure this tradition continues, and, with your help, we will meet the needs of a changing student body.

Creating the Illinois Experience
Through exceptional programming, relevant services, progressive facilities, and vibrant living/learning environments, we create an Illinois experience that focuses on developing life skills and propelling bright minds. We are determined to build on the successful programs we already have and to make them even stronger and more effective across the entire student body.

Developing the Leaders of the Future
As the student experience changes, we can be the international leader for student affairs. We seek to:
- bring more students and cultures together
- create more spaces for student activity
- better serve communities, and
- meet all the rapidly changing needs of today’s and tomorrow’s Illinois students.
With Illinois, we can redefine the way Student Affairs can transform lives and develop the leaders of the future.

Contact the Office of Advancement
Student Affairs Advancement
601 East John Street
100 Swanlund Administration Building
Champaign, IL 61820