Assessment Conference
May 16, 2024 | 9am-4pm | Activities and Recreation Center (ARC)
Registration for the 2024 Assessment Conference is closed.
In a time of increased accountability and limited resources, higher education professionals are expected to demonstrate value and outcomes of services, teaching, and activities designed to improve student performance inside and outside of the classroom. Assessment and evaluation can be used to substantiate the impact of services and improve practice.
The purpose of this conference is to provide participants with strategies that are easy to understand and implement in the assessment, evaluation, and reporting of their work. The conference is designed to help practitioners at all levels learn how to conduct assessment/evaluation and understand the importance of doing so for the purpose of improving practice.
The conference will consist of 50-minute Presentations/Workshops, Lighting Talks, a Poster Session, and a Keynote by Amelia Parnell on "You Are a Data Person".
How to Register
Registration for the Student Affairs Assessment Conference is $50 for staff employed by Student Affairs at Illinois, and $100 for staff, faculty outside Student Affairs at Illinois.
Registration for the 2024 Assessment Conference is closed.
Who Should Attend
Anyone with an interest in assessment/evaluation in co-curricular settings. Although the conference is geared toward student affairs professionals at all career levels, faculty, academic administrators, and graduate students are also encouraged to attend.
If you have additional questions about the Student Affairs Assessment Conference, please contact Alana Harris or Beth Hoag.
Program subject to change.
The Conference Program is now available!
Conference Sessions and Presentations
Keynote Address (9:20-10:20am)
2024 - You are a Data Person, Dr. Amelia Parnell
You Are a Data Person: Strategies for Using Analytics on Campus
As professionals strive to provide holistic programs, instruction, and services to students, the use of data to examine the impact of those efforts is essential. As a result, now is a pivotal time for everyone to identify opportunities to leverage data to make decisions. This session will describe national trends regarding the use of data in higher education, with a focus on how student affairs professionals and others in student-focused roles are integrating assessment into their routine activities. The session will also include a discussion of the Data Identity Framework, a six-component guide to help individuals identify their data-related strengths.
2022 - Dr. Gianina Baker, Acting Director, National Institute for Learning Outcomes
Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Designed to teach the audience a specific technique or skill (e.g. writing learning outcomes, designing a survey, etc.) or review current research/literature related to assessment or evaluation. There will be three sessions to choose from during each concurrent block
SESSION 1 (10:30-11:20am)
- Keynote Dialogue: You are a Data Person
- Illini Success 2022-2023
- Learning Outcome Development and Assessment Planning for Undergraduate Research
SESSION 2 (11:30-12:20 pm)
- Survey Design & Reporting: Getting and Sharing Valuable Information
- Plan and Manage Your Departments Projects
- Campus Policies, Ethics, and Privacy in Assessment and Research
SESSION 3 (1:30-2:20pm)
- Improving Assessment Practices and Promoting a Culture of Assessment Through a Year-long Working Group
- Indigenous Assessment Practices
- Understanding the Student Journey: Engaging Student Panels and Digital Whiteboards to Gain Deeper Insights
Poster Session and Lunch (12:30 - 1:20)
From various campus units that address any of the following: a description of an innovative assessment program, an analysis of a practical problem-solving effort, or results from an assessment/research project
- Assessing Food Assistance and Well-Being Program Usage by Illinois Community in Champaign
- Sense of Belonging at Illinois
- Assessing Accessibility Within UIUC Campus Recreation Facilities
- Illini Union Assessment Projects
Lightning Talks (2:30-3:30pm)
Short presentations that are intended to tell a story about data
- Value-added High-Impact Practices (HIPs): Exploring the Impact of HIPs on Students’ Personal and Professional Development
- Assessment Soup: Strategies in a Large, Multi-unit Department
- Day1 Access Program
- Self-Care Stations at McKinley Health Center
- Trends in Academic Misconduct